Bev and I connected through Skype but the connection was not strong enough, so we just used the chat/txt message. That was good to do. I also connected with the Boy and Becky too. At one point I had all three going in separate conversations. I’m not sure they knew that.
Yesterday, during the siesta, outside the hotel, I spoke with a Toureg artisan from Niger. These are the people we see with scarves wrapped round their heads riding camels through the desert. There’s far more to the Toureg culture; I’m just trying to draw a picture. Note: he did not have camel in Ouagadougou. We spoke of Islam, as he had just finished a prayer session. He wanted to sell me the Jewelry he makes.
Upon returning to the office, I learned that here we begin to say “Bon Soir” right after lunch…it’s like good afternoon. Finished up with Clementine and then back to the hotel. There was a fair bit of traffic and it was challenging to breath in the heat and exhaust. Challenging like any big city.
There’s a conflict underway in Mali; a northern border country to Burkina Faso. Simon listens intently when the news comes on the radio and there is usually a crowd watching the TV in the hotel lobby. The Mali conflict is big news on the French news as the French army is now involved. I wonder if it is getting any air play back home.
Back at the hotel, I spent a fair bit of time blogging, email,chatting and finally broke away to grab a salad in the hotel lobby. Returning to my room, there was a girl sitting near the pool. As I walked by, she said something about “Bon soir, comment ca va? assiez vous… on vas cozé”. Still having a bit of anxiety about how much my french will impede my work in Yako, I’m grabbing every opportunity to practice and evaluate how well I will understand them and them me. So I say ”je ne parle pas beaucoup de Francais. Ça va dire quoi “cozé?”. She responded “Assiez vous.” At this point I’m thinking there’s a chance that she’s a server at the hotel and wants to practice english, maybe hear about life in another country. I’m not entirely naive, but I’m always hoping to be proven wrong.
I asked “Travaille tu a la hotel?” She says “non”.
Starting to feel a little weird. “Qu’est-ce-que tu faites ici?” She says “la coiffure et…..les massage”…and her eyes open wide.
Bon soir

Ouaga has been a whirl wind. No time to settle down. I guess I have to realize I have only been in Burkina Faso for a day. That might give you more perspective than anything on my travels so far.
Tomorrow I am off to Yako. My home in the north for the next little while.
Yep, Mali is all over the news. Harper has decided that Canada won't send troops but will help neighbouring countries ease the situation. Be safe...